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[LefthandedJeff] Where is Wisdom?

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Where is Wisdom?

All statements are false.
All questions are true.
Here is wisdom.

Are all statements false?
Are all questions true?
Where is wisdom?


Do we hear through our wounds? How often have you had a fight with your loved one, because she said something that she meant one way but you heard it another, because it triggered something left over from some old hurt? You heard her through your wound.

You lashed out in defense. She took it worse than you meant it. Because it reminded her of how her mom used to run her down or her old boyfriend used to order her around. She heard you through her wound.

Sometimes we hear each other through our festering or raw red wounds. Like the whistle of a cold wind on frostbitten skin or the bite of salt water on an open cut. Like the ache from wet weather in an old broken bone.

How do we hear past our wounds? Over our wounds? How do we remember that without the frostbitten skin, the cold wind might feel bracing? That without the open cut, the salt water might be vitalizing? That without the broken bone, the wet might unfurl the dry pink flower buds?


Isn’t hatred of government by the citizens in a democracy a kind of self-hatred, since democratic government is self-governance by the citizens?


Illusatory: the new dogberryism/malapropism coined by creative genius Sweet Elise on March 7, 2014. Mark your calendars.

Doesn’t it have that elusive (elusatory?) quality of only the very best dogberryisms: when you first hear it, even if you know it’s not a real word, you wonder, just for a second, well isn’t it?



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