
Been & Going


[Scandanvian Crime] Gets Dissed…

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The Crime Writer’s Association (CWA) is asking it’s 600 members to vote on the greatest ever crime novel. It’s chock full of somebody named “Agatha Christie” yet there isn’t one person on the list with an umlaut in their name. I love Raymond Chandler as much as anyone should really, but to snub all of our happy yet twisted Scandinavian crime writers is just plain wrong. And sure, maybe I’m biased, because I do *heart* Scandinavian crime, but there’s some pretty excellent crime fiction coming out of that region right now that’s above and beyond the cozy mystery of yesteryear. Just saying, CWA. No Jo Nesbo? No Jussi Adler-Olsen?

Ok, as I was typing that my brain was saying to me, really, greatest ever? I mean, Long Goodbye vs. Redbreast? Sherlock effing Holmes vs. the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? So, maybe not greatest ever, but at least the good stuff of what’s coming out now. I’d like to think Raymond Chandler would enjoy a good Harry Hole story if he indeed liked anything besides booze. (By the way, I’m not really a fan of Steig Larsson, it’s just that the title of his book works from a literary point. I would never compare him to Raymond Chandler. I much prefer the other Scandinavians).

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