
Been & Going


[California Seething] Lenny Holiday Letters 2011- LennyLeaks (But Not Like You Think)

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In 2011 Lenny would be held back no longer. He was inspired by the WikiLeaks story, the courage and Cary Elwes hair of Cal Seething-092214-julianJulian Assange, and…oh…you know…the other one….somebody Manning- you know the one- can’t be trusted with anything, turns important stuff over to the enemy…Eli! That’s the one (or “Elizabeth” as she prefers to be known.) Anyhow, inspired by this band of treacherous fame whores  truth seeking heroes, Lenny decided to share all the dark and sinister secrets of the Sims household. Unfortunately, our deep dark secrets are so unbelievably lame that the NSA keeps emailing us to liven things up “Come on already. YOU’RE KILLING US. How many motherfucking Emoji can two grown people actually text each other??? Smile, kissey face, chicken, monkey – USE YOUR WORDS!!! You’re like a couple of Sanrio loving Korean school girls. And how hard is it to make a decision about what to have for dinner?? Pasta – scrambled eggs, pasta – scrambled eggs-MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!! I swear to god you guys are worse than the Merkels. Just please please please stop texting each other so we can go back to the more important business of fighting Terror around the world by finding pictures of famous naked chicks online. iHeart iCloud!

Very Best Regards,
The NSA Cal-Seething-122313-lessamu

Still, Lenny decided to share our lame ass secrets in the 2011 Holiday Letter – and now you can read it and realize just how pathetic we are. #Sigh Cal-Seething--122313-ConfesCal-Seething--092214-chickeCal-Seething--092214-monkey

 2011 Holiday Letter

And get caught up on the other letters:

2005 Letter
2006 Letter
2007 Letter
2008 / 09 Letters



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