
Been & Going

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Know Your Pittsburghese

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Pittsburgh has a language all it’s own.  Can a visitor figure out what the locals are saying?  Jersey Joe and Joel play the game of Know Your Pittsburghese ‘n at!


THE 411

Name: Pittsburghese

What: local dialect spoken in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania


It’s a very unique accent that I’ve only really found in that area.  If you cross to Eastern PA and Philadelphia, they have a completely different accent and dialect.

It’s fascinating how various parts of our country have accents all of their own.  Maybe I should try this game in a southern state or two!!!


[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] 10 Foods to Avoid Before Flying

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Jersey Joe checks out ten foods that you should avoid eating before flying in an airplane.


THE 411

What: foods to avoid before flying

Why: various causes, mostly gastrointestinal


It’s up to you, if you believe these.  But, I’m not going to take any chances!!!

baked beans

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Name that Food in a Blender

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Can you name these 5 foods being mixed up in a blender? Watch Jersey Joe’s friends try!

THE 411

What: foods being whipped up in a blender

Purpose: None, really — entertainment value?


This would actually make a great party game.  Record some food being whupped up in a blender on your IPhone and let the family fun begin!

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Don’t Put It in the Fridge

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We’ve all heard the rumors and everyone has an opinion.  But, Jersey Joe has the real deal on items you should never put in the refrigerator.

THE 411

What: refrigerator

Idea: household appliance that keeps food cold


Don’t keep food in there too long, just eat it!

New Fridge

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Worst TV Shows

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What do you think are the worst TV shows, ever?  Jersey Joe put that question out on Twitter and Facebook and got a ton of responses!

THE 411

What: Worst TV Shows ever

Type: Opinion poll



The shows that I picked are just my opinion and judging by the good ratings that all three of my picks get — maybe I’m wrong.  But, I promise those are three shows you’ll never catch me watching.  It was killing me just to find these clips on Youtube!

So, what shows do you think are the absolute worst?

I could go on and on… it was hard to narrow it down to just three!

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Things Guys Should Never Do After Age 30

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Jersey Joe checks out 10 things that men should never do after the age of 30.


According to an article on, this is a list of things that guys should never do after 30.

Student Demo A

THE 411

What: Turning 30

Meaning: entering third decade on planet and well established adulthood

Article location:


Some these on the list I do agree with.  But, it’s your life — you have to make it your own.

How many do you agree with?  Let me know on Twitter @JerseyJoe50!

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] How Do You Say Worcestershire Sauce?

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We all cook with it and I’m sure we’ve all ate it as an ingredient in a recipe.  Nobody really knows how to say Worcestershire Sauce, right… but, it will sure be fun to watch these people try!

THE 411

What: Worcestershire Sauce

Where created: United Kingdom

When: 1837


I don’t use Worcestershire sauce that often, but I do keep a bottle in the cupboard, just in case I need to add a little spicy flavor when I’m cooking, or for a Bloody Mary!

[LIVE Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] The Best Way to Eat a Steak

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What’s the best way to eat a steak? Jersey Joe chats with diners at a New York City restaurant to get their opinion.

[LIVE! Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] What’s in Jersey Joe’s Microwave?

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Jersey Joe has a spin off!  Did you catch yesterday’s first ever live test episodes of his web show?  Check out this special rebroadcast and play along as we check out the live technology that allows us to watch Joe cook in his kitchen – LIVE!