
Been & Going


[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] A Walk Down New York City’s 6½ Ave

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Jersey Joe explores a little known New York City street, 6½ Avenue.

6½ avenue is a pedestrian walkway that opened in 2012.  The first ½ avenue in Manhattan, it gives pedestrians a fast shortcut between 51st and 57th streets.  Adding stop signs, traffic lights, and crosswalks cost city taxpayers $60,000.

While many drivers complain that the ½ avenue stop signs tie up traffic, many businesses and restaurants have capitalized on the walkway, by adding outdoor seating and signage to direct pedestrians into their shops.

THE 411

What: 6½ avenue

Where: New York City

Location: between 51st and 57th Streets

Opened: 2012


It’s another one of those “only in New York” kind of things.  I’ve worked in the city for years, yet I had no idea this avenue existed.  I’ve passed by it dozens of times, never giving it a second thought.

Pedestrian only streets are a great idea and are becoming more popular and useful in New York.  While commonplace in many European cities, New York is quickly adopting many pedestrian only streets.  A big example is where several blocks of Broadway are now closed to traffic south of Times Square.

For me, this street is a great short cut and any time I can cross a street without having to look out for a speeding taxi cab is a winner in my book!

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