
Been & Going

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Google Maps Quiz 6

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Jersey Joe uncovers more funny images caught on Google Maps street view.

THE 411

What: Google street view

What:  camera that captures street level views of buildings, cities, and landscapes worldwide.

Purpose: online search tool

Launched: 2007


There have to be thousands of more hilarious images of people doing crazy things on Google Maps.  They regularly update the images, so some may end up lost to time.  If you see any — shoot me a message on twitter @JerseyJoe50 and let’s share them with everyone!

google maps pictorial quiz icon 6

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Pedestrian Eavesdropping

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No matter where you go these days — you’re on camera!  And some of these cameras have high power microphones.  So, be careful what you are saying!  Big brother is watching and listening as Jersey Joe explores.


THE 411

What: security cameras

Purpose: to record and monitor activities of the general public or to protect personal property


Remember, you are on camera just about anywhere you go.  Many of us even have cameras in our home.  Think twice before you pick that wedge in public next time!

Don’t forget – this was only played for comedy!


[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] A Walk Down New York City’s 6½ Ave

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Jersey Joe explores a little known New York City street, 6½ Avenue.

6½ avenue is a pedestrian walkway that opened in 2012.  The first ½ avenue in Manhattan, it gives pedestrians a fast shortcut between 51st and 57th streets.  Adding stop signs, traffic lights, and crosswalks cost city taxpayers $60,000.

While many drivers complain that the ½ avenue stop signs tie up traffic, many businesses and restaurants have capitalized on the walkway, by adding outdoor seating and signage to direct pedestrians into their shops.

THE 411

What: 6½ avenue

Where: New York City

Location: between 51st and 57th Streets

Opened: 2012


It’s another one of those “only in New York” kind of things.  I’ve worked in the city for years, yet I had no idea this avenue existed.  I’ve passed by it dozens of times, never giving it a second thought.

Pedestrian only streets are a great idea and are becoming more popular and useful in New York.  While commonplace in many European cities, New York is quickly adopting many pedestrian only streets.  A big example is where several blocks of Broadway are now closed to traffic south of Times Square.

For me, this street is a great short cut and any time I can cross a street without having to look out for a speeding taxi cab is a winner in my book!