Jersey Joe checks out some real, but funny stories of bad criminals, funny robbers, and police headaches from police blotters around the country.
THE 411
Name: police blotter
What: published in local papers and local news to highlight criminal acts
Location: nationwide
While these are all funny stories – I hope that your name doesn’t end up on your local police blotter! But, if you find any good ones – pass them along to me on Twitter @JerseyJoe50!
[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Caption This 11
Category: Archive, Been, Columns, Going, Kickin' Back with Jersey Joe, Topics, Travel
Tags:ad, advertisement, ape, baseball, bodega, caption, caption this, cell phone, comedy, comment, couple fighting, domestic dispute, Facebook, funny, Instagram, New York City, New York Yankees, Oculus, pizza, portable bathroom, restroom, social media, stadium seats, transit hub, Twitter, World Trade Center, Yankee Stadium
An ape with a cell phone, people laying down at the World Trade Center, and a couple falling out of love… just some of the funny pictures that you wrote the comedy for! Now, Jersey Joe crowns the winners with the funniest lines in the latest round of Caption This!
THE 411
Name: Caption This
What: online Twitter and Facebook game on @JerseyJoe50’s feed
Keep and eye on my Twitter feed for another edition. Also, join me for MATCH JERSEY JOE GAME – every Wednesday afternoon. Let’s have some fun on social media!