
Been & Going

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Jersey Joe’s 50 Show & 250 Blog Celebration

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Jersey Joe celebrates 50 episodes of KICKING BACK WITH JERSEY JOE and 250 editions of his online blog!

THE 411:

What: Kicking Back with Jersey Joe

Type: blog and video blog

Number of episodes: 50 video – 250 blog

Premiere: September 19, 2014 (web show) May 31, 2010 (blog)

Website: you’re on it!

50 episodes


Thanks for watching the show and reading my words, each and every week!  Please keep your thoughts and comments coming.  I love sharing and making them part of the fun!  See you next week!

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Welcome to My New Video Blog

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After 199 different posts – welcome to my new video blog! That’s right, now you can SEE Kicking Back with Jersey Joe in a whole new way!


THE 411

Name: Kicking Back with Jersey Joe

What: weekly video blog

When: Thursdays Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific


Check back every Thursday for new adventures and a ton more fun!  Thanks for stopping by!

[Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] My New Video Blog Launches Thursday

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OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – We’ve been together for 199 blogs over two different websites now, so for number 200 I’m taking this to a new level… video!


Starting Thursday at noon EDT/9am PDT, you’ll get to SEE the fun each week!  It’s the same excitement you read right here – just a whole lot better!


Take a look at my first launch promo:



THE 411

What: Kicking Back with Jersey Joe

When: new episodes every Thursday at Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific

Where: right here on


Thanks for checking out my blog each and every week!  I’ve learned a ton writing these over the years and I hope you’ll enjoy the new video version even more!  Let me know what you think and as always follow me on twitter @JerseyJoe50.  See you Thursday!