
Been & Going

[Lessons From The TV People] Destination America Channel

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How did I stumble across the Destination America Channel? Easy. I didn’t know what to report on this week so I searched my abode for dice to roll. You know, so I could roll three times and whatever came up would be the channel that I would watch and write about. Well, not so easy. Apparently, dice are one of those items that you think you have (or just magically appear or come with the apartment like Scotch tape) but this was not the case. I had to improvise. I dug out Star Wars Trivial Pursuit and snapped the batteries back into the R2D2 to get some numbers. Here was my result:







Another snag: I do not have a Channel 462. So it bumped up to 465. Cool. I’ll take it. Well, snag #3: I don’t have Channel 465 on my U-Verse plan. It’s a higher tier channel. Which intrigued me. What is it? How does it rate such a prestigious level of cable entertainment? I had to know. The abbreviation on the channel guide is DAM. As in “DAMN! This is quite a channel!” Upon further investigation it turns out DAM stands for Destination America. Must be hour after hour of wholesome fare, peppered with moments on the human condition, set against the backdrop of wheat fields and majestic hills. I go to the website and this is the first thing I see:


I’m now really upset that I don’t have this channel. The Thursday night line-up included four episodes of Unsealed: Alien Files (sample episode: “Bedroom Invaders”) followed by Monsters In America with a segment on the Momo (fun fact: a Momo is short for Missouri Monster who is Bigfoot-like…and not very well-traveled).

Alas, I will miss this [must-be] classic television and won’t be able to impart any wisdom that I find there. But I will leave you with some of the very practical and informative tidbits from the Destination America website:



Please someone watch this channel for me!