
Been & Going

[Scandanavian Crime] Look! It’s Sweden’s Pompeii–Kind of

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Ok, I’m no archaeologist, though I was an archaeology major for 1 semester, and I did skip the Naples/Pompeii trip during my travels in Italy. However, I do know a couple of things about Pompeii:

  1. Volcano exploded and a bunch of people died
  2. Doctor Who went there with Donna and didn’t save one single soul, you know because he can’t interfere and stuff

Now archaeologists in Sweden have discovered a massacre site from the 5th Century. There are a lot of skeletons. If you don’t believe me, watch this video.

Anyway, they are calling it Sweden’s Pompeii. But wait, there was no volcano and no Doctor Who. I mean, I guess there is the whole, something really horrible happened really fast frozen moment of time thing, but still, no lava, no David Tennant.